SublimeText Plugins — I Use
Published on: 2014-07-07
My favorite, timesaving & productive plugins
I know Sublime Text from the very beginning when they release it’s first public beta version. The best parts of sublime text is the performance, light weight, minimal layout, last and the best one is the ‘plugins’ — which saves a lot of time and helps use the IDE very effectively to boost the productivity
This article I’m sharing the plugins which I use everyday. You can have a look at the plugin repo here here
I don’t know why sublime text app doesn’t comes with this as it’s a necessary feature to install plugins. I mostly use Package control for couple of things
a) To install plugins, all you need to type is “cmd + shift+ p” then “install” to load the repository. Once the repository is loaded you can start typing the plugin name, Hit the return/Enter key; when u find your plugin to install. You can check the installation progress on the status bar in the bottom.
b) To highlight syntax of CSS for SCSS files. Open the file you want to highlight the syntax, type “shift + cmd + p” and type “css” to highlight the opened file
2. Emmet
Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow.
In simple words, its just a shorthand for HTML & CSS which saves you from writing more coding. The cheatsheet show how your shorthand codes will be complied. If you use Emmet, I bet you will never go back.
Save the file you are working on and refresh your browser with one keystroke. Very handy plugin, which does the browser refresh in a clever way.
No need for live reload, no need of any configuration in your project. After editing your code in the editor just press “cmd + shift + r” Browser Refresh will save the current file and refresh the last active tab in the browser for you.
4. Git Gutter
A plugin to see git diff in your gutter. If you don’t have this plugin you would have doing in the terminal.
GitGutter is very useful to identify the piece of code you have written after the last commit right inside the editor.
Bracket Highlighter matches a variety of brackets such as: [], (), {}, <tag></tag>,
and even custom brackets. It will show the visual hint of where your bracket is ending.
This helps a lot in debugging the code by highlighting the scope.
I use some other common plugins like JSLint, SublimeLinter, SodaDarkTheme, Dracula Color Schema, etc,. but I just want to write the most useful top 5 plugins from my preference.
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