TDS and its Role in Drinking Water

"Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land." – Luna Leopold

The mineral water we drink today is not as pure as we would want it to be. Riddled with impurities, contaminants, and chemicals, a glass of water can prove to be harmful if not appropriately purified. When it comes to understanding water and its components, you must understand TDS.

What is TDS

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and refers to the total concentration of dissolved substances in drinking water. TDS comprises inorganic salts and a small amount of organic matter as well. Inorganic salts are made up of positively charged cations (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) and negatively charged anions (carbonates, nitrates, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates). The TDS level is how much of the total dissolved solids are present in the water.

Importance of TDS in Drinking Water

TDS in drinking water originates from places like natural sources, sewage, urban run-offs, industrial wastewater, chemicals in the water treatment process, chemical fertilizers used in the garden, and plumbing. Water is a universal solvent and easily picks up impurities and can absorb and dissolve these particles quickly. Although elevated levels of TDS in drinking water are not a health hazard, it does lend the water a bitter, salty, or brackish taste. Calcium and magnesium, two minerals commonly found in TDS, can also cause water hardness, scale formation, and staining.

What are Different TDS levels?

The TDS level helps indicate whether the drinking water is fit for consumption, requires filtration, or is highly contaminated. Parts per million (PPM) is the measurement used for measuring TDS level in the water.

TDS Level Chart for Drinking Water. TDS in Water (measured in PPM)

  • 50-150: Excellent for drinking

  • 150-250: Good

  • 250-300: Fair

  • 300-500: Poor, not good for drinking

  • Above 1200: Unacceptable

Why Should You Measure TDs Levels Naturally, mineral water has no smell or taste. A change in the TDS level changes the texture and taste, making the water unfit for consumption. Some of the reasons why you should measure the TDS level of your drinking water are:

  • Taste (high TDS level can make the water salty and/or bitter).

  • Health Concerns (water with high TDS level will not have a drastic impact on your health but the high level of lead or copper can make you fall sick).

  • Cooking (TDS level above 1000 PPM can change the way the food tastes).


  • What is the best TDS level for drinking water? Ans: Generally, the TDS level between 50-150 is considered the most suitable and acceptable.

  • Is Low TDS level bad or harmful to health Ans: If the TDS level is about 1000 PPM, it is unsafe and unfit for human consumption.

  • What TDS level Bisleri maintains in water? Ans: Bisleri water maintains a TDS level of 120 PPM, making it safe to drink.

TDS Meter you can Purchase

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