Table of Contents
Copy [ attr = "value" ] /* = exact */
[ class ~= "box" ] /* ~= has word */
[ class |= "icon" ] /* |= exact, or prefix (eg, value-) */
[ href $= ".doc" ] /* $= ends in */
[ class *= "-is-" ] /* *= contains */
h3 + p /* + adjacent sibling */
article ~ footer /* ~ far sibling */
.container > .box /* > direct child */
:target ( h2 #foo:target )
: nth-child
:nth-child ( 3n )
:nth-child ( 3n+2 )
:nth-child ( -n+4 )
:nth-last-child (...)
: nth-of-type
:only-of-type - only child of its parent thats like that
Copy .clearfix:after {
visibility : hidden ;
display : block ;
font-size : 0 ;
content : " " ;
clear : both ;
height : 0 ;
*html .clearfix { zoom : 1 ; } /* IE6 */
* :first-child + html .clearfix { zoom : 1 ; } /* IE7 */
Copy font : italic 400 14px / 1 .5 sans-serif ;
/* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
style weight size* line-height family
required required */
Font Antialiasing / Smoothing
Copy * {
text-rendering : optimizeLegibility ;
-webkit-font-smoothing : antialiased ;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing : grayscale ;
/* Support - Firefox 25+ on OSX, Webkits (Chrome, Safari, etc) */
Ref - Link
Copy /* Shorthand */
background: #ff0 url(bg .jpg ) left top / 100px auto no-repeat fixed;
background: #abc url(bg .png ) center center / cover repeat-x local;
/* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
color image position size repeat attachment */
/* Multiple backgrounds */
linear-gradient(to bottom , rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .5 ), rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0 .5 )),
url('background.jpg') center center / cover ,
/* Other properties */
background-clip : border-box | padding-box | content-box [, ...] * ; /* IE9+ */
background-repeat : no-repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y ;
background-attachment : scroll | fixed | local;
background: url(x), url(y); /* multiple (IE9+) */
Custom Selectbox
Note: only works with webkit browsers, others will give you fallback.
Copy select {
-webkit-appearance : button ;
-webkit-border-radius : 2 px ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 px 1 px 3 px rgba (0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1) ;
-webkit-padding-end : 20 px ;
-webkit-padding-start : 2 px ;
-webkit-user-select : none ;
background-image : url (../images/select-arrow.png) ,
-webkit-linear-gradient (#FAFAFA , #F4F4F4 40 % , #E5E5E5) ;
background-position : center right ;
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
border : 1 px solid #AAA ;
color : #555 ;
font-size : inherit ;
margin : 0 ;
overflow : hidden ;
padding-top : 2 px ;
padding-bottom : 2 px ;
text-overflow : ellipsis ;
white-space : nowrap ;
CSS Selection
Copy ::selection {
background-color : yellow ;
::-moz-selection {
background-color : yellow ;
Placeholder Styling
Copy /* chrome, safari */
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color : #CCC ;
font-style : italic ;
/* mozilla */
input :-moz-placeholder ,
textarea :-moz-placeholder {
color : #CCC ;
font-style : italic ;
/* ie (faux placeholder) */
input .placeholder-text ,
textarea .placeholder-text {
color : #CCC ;
font-style : italic ;
Truncate String with Ellipsis
All the following are required, so the text must be in a single straight line that overflows a box where that overflow is hidden.
Copy .truncate {
width : 250 px ;
white-space : nowrap ;
overflow : hidden ;
text-overflow : ellipsis ;
More techniques here , including multi-line ellipsis.
Default list styling
Copy ul {
margin : 0 0 1.5 em 0 ;
ul {
list-style-type : disc ;
margin-left : 1.3 em ;
ol {
list-style-type : decimal ;
margin-left : 2 em ;
ol li {
list-style-type : decimal ;
display : list-item ;
ul li {
list-style-type : disc ;
ul ul li {
list-style-type : circle ;
ul ul ul li {
list-style-type : square ;
ol ol li {
list-style-type : lower-alpha ;
ol ol ol li {
list-style-type : lower-roman ;
dl {
margin : 0 0 1.5 em 0 ;
dl dt {
font-weight : bold ;
dd {
margin-left : 1.5 em ;
Use :not()
to Apply/Unapply Borders on Navigation
Instead of putting on the border...
Copy /* add border */
.nav li {
border-right : 1 px solid #666 ;
...and then taking it off the last element...
Copy /* remove border */
.nav li :last-child {
border-right : none ;
...use the :not()
pseudo-class to only apply to the elements you want:
Copy .nav li :not ( :last-child ) {
border-right : 1 px solid #666 ;
Sure, you can use .nav li + li
or even .nav li:first-child ~ li
, but with :not()
the intent is very clear and the CSS selector defines the border the way a human would describe it.
IE Browser Specific Conditions
The following table describes the operators that can be used to create conditional expressions.