
Table of Contents


  • Show/Hide dock - Command (⌘) + Option + d

  • Change folder view - Command (⌘) + 1, use 2,3,4,5

  • Focus Spotlight Search - Command (⌘) + space

Capturing Screenshot

  • Capture full screen Command (⌘) + Shift + 3

  • Capture specific app window Command (⌘) + Shift + 4 then space

  • Capture specific region Command (⌘) + Shift + 4

  • Capture specific regions and then copy them to the clipboard Ctrl (^) + Command (⌘) + Shift + 4 (PS. It doesn't save the screenshot on the desktop, it just stays in your clipboard)

Separators for the Mac OSX Dock

In examining the strings inside the Dock binary in Leopard, I found a way to add real separators to the dock, instead of adding dummy applications with empty or decorative icons

  1. Open terminal hit Command (⌘) + space & type terminal and hit return.

  2. Run the following commands from the Terminal.

defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{ "tile-type" = "spacer-tile"; }'
killall Dock

copy and paste the code in the terminal as many times as to add new space/separators 3. You can now drag the empty spaces to where you want them, or right-click on them and select "Remove from Dock" if you no longer need them.

Show/Hide hidden files in your mac

  1. Open terminal hit Command (⌘) + space & type terminal and hit return.

  2. Copy/Paste the following commands into the Terminal window

    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    killall Finder
  3. If you want to Hide the hidden files set it to FALSE

    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    killall Finder

Make a file hidden on your mac

  1. Open terminal hit Command (⌘) + space & type terminal and hit return.

  2. Copy/Paste the following commands into the Terminal window

    chflags hidden /path/to/file-or-folder
  3. In case if you want to unhide the file

    chflags nohidden /path/to/file-or-folder

Last updated